Hartsmere; a modern barn inspired home on garden plot

Aligning a building with the context of the landscape.

This site has previously been granted full planning permission for a replacement dwelling in 2010, where the application involved the demolition of a single storey one- bedroom in-fill dwelling positioned between two neighbouring buildings.

Living Room

The extent of the plot was underutilised and overgenerous when compared to the size of the dwelling in which it served. It was felt that to better maximise the plot, a replacement dwelling was erected elsewhere on the site.

The position of the dwelling has used an existing site-line for guidance; taking the line of the previous dwellings’ boundary and continuing this into the site to form the new external wall of the building. This has a two-fold benefit in that firstly, it lines the building through with the existing neighbouring garage. This aims to take influences from existing surrounding geometry to help connect the building to its context. The logic behind using the existing geometry is to prevent a disconnect between the centrally positioned dwelling and the remainder of the site.

Secondly, a ‘garden’ wall is common of rural dwellings and is to physically link the external wall of the proposed dwelling to the existing boundary wall. An opening will be formed within the wall to allow footpath access to the garden. This is to be a feature wall, exposed both internally and externally using a feature material such as a local stone. The application of the material both inside and out will help connect the building with the landscape and bring the outside in.

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