Exmoor farm diversification

Re-use of three rural redundant buildings into holiday accommodation to ensure the continuing viability of this beautifully located farm.

This 23-acre farm includes a number of grade II listed barns and outbuildings. Whilst sheep and cattle farming continues on the land and utilises a handful of barns, our clients wished to diversify the use of the remaining redundant buildings, creating a supporting income stream via a small scale tourism enterprise to ensure the preservation of not only the farm buildings, but reinvestment into the farm infrastructure and landscape too.  

Although the existing buildings are in excellent condition, they are no longer a practical option to house livestock as they fail to meet contemporary welfare standards. This project offers an excellent opportunity to safeguard traditional farm buildings that would otherwise fall into redundant disrepair, and provide local employment opportunities through the tourism enterprise, thus promoting Exmoor’s sustainable tourism offering through all months of the year.

frogwell interior
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